Today we leave with you a list with five pretty useful scripts for SketchUp that will help you improve and speed up your workflow significantly.
- Select Instance
- Joint Push Pull
- Curviloft
- Round Corner
- Bezier Spline
- Memory Copy
- Shape Bender
- Bitmap to Mesh
- Component Stringer
- Components onto Faces
Select Instance

Select multiple components by instances/families with just a couple of clicks.
Joint Push Pull

A set of extrusion tools operating on faces and surfaces to give thickness to your geometry.

Generates different kinds of surfaces from splines.
Round Corner

Rounds the edges and corners of 3D shapes along a 2D profile.
Bezier Spline

Draws a variety of Polylines, Bezier and Spline curves in 3D space.
Memory Copy

Records and plays actions for copying, moving, rotating and scaling one or multiple objects.
Shape Bender

Bends an existing element to match a curved line or series of connected lines.
Bitmap to Mesh

Generates a 2D or 3D mesh out of a bitmap picture.
Component Stringer

Takes a component and applies it to a series of connected lines.
Components onto Faces

Copies a component onto all selected faces.